Case Study -EuroFinance Conference 2014

The EuroFinance is the leading global provider of conferences, training and research on cash management, treasury and risk. Running more than 50 events worldwide, EuroFinance enables treasurers and CFOs to exchange innovative strategies, best practice and expert opinion.

Thanks to many years efforts and preparations, Europe’s most essential exhibition and conference of bank sector, EuroFinance arrived in Budapest, Hungexpo in October, 2014. Hungexpo provided the flexible space for the exhibition area. Besides the meeting rooms of the exhibitors in Pavilion G and F were got to shape 5 session rooms and the plenary room with the capacity of 1200 PAX. The event hosted over 4000 delegates from across the world, who took advantage of fast transport connections to Hungexpo. The transport was supported by shuttle and taxi service. During the three days 127 speakers took the stage to share their insights and innovations with the global audience.

The subcontractors of Hungexpo provided full scope on site services, which included the internet services, stand building service, logistics and transportation service, AV. The catering service served all of the delegates at the same in the pavilion G.

Case Study – ChemSpec Europe 2014

Quartz Chemicals, part of the Quartz Group is an international exhibition organiser and publishing company based in the U.K. and has primarily been serving the fine, custom and speciality chemicals industry with events and publications for nearly 30 years.

Chemspec Europe 2014 has consolidated its position as one of the strongest trade shows for the chemical industry in Europe.The Chemspec Europe exhibition and series of conferences provided a gateway to the international custom, fine and speciality chemicals industry. In 2014 the show has been moved to an Eastern Eurpoean country as a venue.

404 exhibitors from 24 countries and regions took part in the exhibition. With trade attendees from almost 60 countries visiting the pavilions and on stand display areas across two halls in the Hungexpo Exhibition Centre in Budapest, Chemspec Europe can claim itself to be a very well attended show.

Amongst the attendees members from the Speciality Chemical sector dominated with 32%, followed by the members from the General Chemicals & Miscellaneous sector with 23%.

„We worked together very well as a team with the organizer. Besides operational detailes which is part of the usual process  we also provided support to Quartz Media in exhibitor aquisition by utilizig our domestic industry network and contacts. This type of cooperation was somewhat new and fruitful way of working with clients and make the event a success.” -says Anita Kristóf, event sales director.

I have been involved in event organisations over the last twenty years and I have been in contact with so many different venues. Normally, the support is… let´s say ok. But what I would say about the team of Hungexpo is: They have actually furthered their support, they are helping in marketing, in getting new contacts, in getting in touch with the Hungarian market. This is almost like a partnership. The venue itself is fine, it is up to modern European standards, all the services are provided.” John Lane, Sales Director of Quartz Chemicals, the company organising Chemspec.