General information
Opening hours
6-9 February 2025
Thursday: 9 a.m. – 6 p. m.
Friday: 9 a.m. – 6 p. m.
Saturday: 9 a.m. – 6 p. m.
Sunday: 9 a.m. – 5 p. m.
Ticket prices
Entrance is free for children under 6 years.
The entry tickets authorize you for a single entry.
You can buy entrance ticket with OTP SZÉP cards in Hall 3 or online.
Daily ticket: 6100 HUF
MEOESZ daily ticket: 6100 HUF
Archery daily ticket: 6100 HUF
Discount ticket (student, pensioner): 5300 HUF
Discount ticket (coupon): 4100 HUF
Discount ticket Hungarian Angler Magazin (coupon): 3900 HUF
Discount group ticket (students): 3200 HUF
Discount group ticket (for associations*): 3900 HUF
*To get a discounted ticket, fill in one of the coupons below, sign it and hand it in at the ticket office!
Family ticket: 12 200 HUF
(2 adults and up to 3 children under 14 years)
If you register, you can buy a discounted day ticket here.
Online day ticket purchased in webshop: 5700 HUF + 400 HUF handling fee
Online day ticket with registration in webshop: 4600 HUF + 400 HUF handling fee
Online day ticket purchased in the HUNGEXPO app: 5300 HUF + 400 HUF handling fee
Online day ticket with registration purchased in the HUNGEXPO app: 4200 HUF + 400 HUF handling fee
Online family ticket purchased in webshop or in the HUNGEXPO app: 12 200 HUF + 400 HUF handling fee
Please use the latest version of the HUNGEXPO application to purchase tickets!
(Please note that the application does not work on phones with a version number older than iOS 17.)
The price of tickets purchased is non-refundable in case of absence.
HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center
H-1101 Budapest Albertirsai út 10.
Entrance: Gate I. and III.
Dogs can enter via the Main Entrance, through Reception I., injection document and muzzle are needed.
How to get there
By metro 2 (M2) to the “Örs vezér tér” and then by bus 10.
By tram no. 37 from the “Blaha Lujza tér” to “Kőbánya felső vasútállomás”
By car from “Kerepesi út” – from the direction of the city center
Inside parking (P4) – new parking system!
Parking fee: 5000 Ft
ENTRY: automatic gate opening
PURCHASE OF PARKING TICKET: at cash desks, Hello Pay booth
EXIT: scanning the QR code on the parking ticket
Please do not forget to buy your parking ticket before leaving!
Albertirsai út
Parking fee: 5000 Ft
Parking fees must be paid on the spot, in advance, by credit card at the start of parking.
GOLD parking ticket
Parking fee: 15000 Ft
With this service you can avoid traffic and enter the exhibition area out of line.
The GOLD parking ticket can ONLY be purchased in advance online or through the app, this is not possible on site. More information and tickets: HERE
VIP card
VIP Card owners can use the P4 and Albertirsai street parking sites during the opening hours. By the exit the barcode on the VIP Card is needed!
Disabled visitors
Disabled visitors can park their car in P4 parking site on the marked area free of charge. From this point pavilions can be easily reached.
At the door no. 15 of Pavilion G on the Passage (OTP)
Cashless payment
As of January 1, 2019, HUNGEXPO Budapest Congress and Exhibition Center has become completely cash-free. The use of the HelloPay “Cashless system”, which had already been in use in selected areas, will be extended across the entire territory. The system can therefore be used by visitors to pay with a touch-to-pay bank card or HelloPay card in lieu of cash for event entry tickets and parking, as well as to shop at dining areas at the location.
For more information please click here!
VAT invoice
Click HERE to register your need for a VAT invoice of the parking fee or the ticket purchase!
In the case of indoor parking, the last four digits of the credit card or the Hellopay card number and the date of parking must be entered.
Please remember to keep the receipt of your parking fee and your ticket.
The deadline for requesting a VAT invoice is 14 days from the closing of the given event.
Press Center
Main Building