INDUSTRY DAYS International Industrial Trade Exhibition - HUNGEXPO

INDUSTRY DAYS International Industrial Trade Exhibition

At unusual time, in an unusual way were waiting the specialists for the professionals at this year’s INDUSTRY DAYS trade exhibition. Due to the epidemic situation, Hungary’s industrial show was organized in a virtual form by Hungexpo, in which more than 15% of the exhibitors of the traditional event took part.

Dr. Ádám NAGY, the Deputy State Secretary for Industry Strategies and Regulation, Ministry for Innovation and Technology, in his greeting, said that he was very pleased to see that the actors of the Hungarian economy had excelled in this very difficult period.

In his speech, he discussed the significance of the exhibition: a platform where you can get to know the products and services that the participating companies present to each other and to their business partners using the most modern technologies.

He closed his video message with a short presentation of the opportunities of starting support programs of the domestic industry, the GINOP Plus 2021, which has a support budget of HUF 587 billion, as well as other domestically funded programs, such as the Irinyi Plan industrial strategy support program 2021.

Hungexpo tried to prepare as fully as possible for the INDUSTRY DAYS, but finally the exhibition was organized in virtual form due to the restrictive measures imposed because of the epidemic caused by the COVID-19 virus.

Mr. Gábor GANCZER, CEO of Hungexpo Ltd., said at the opening broadcast from the company’s own virtual studio, that he believes in the future and knows that physical business events, live events that many people miss are essential to relaunching the economy. The CEO is sure that next spring the MACH-TECH and INDUSTRIAL DAYS exhibitions will once again be among the largest trade exhibitions in the region and visitors and exhibitors will soon be able to meet in person in the new and renovated pavilions of Hungexpo.

The virtual INDUSTRY DAYS and its unusual sub-event, the International Building Industry Exhibition were preceded by an extensive advertising campaign, not only on Hungarian, but also on 5 foreign countries’s technical, engineering and economic online interfaces.

  • e-DM for visitors to the Hungexpo’s own database of 50 000 professionals (in Hungarian and in English)
  • newsletters and banners on websites of 15 media partners
  • special newsletter campaign to the target group of International Building Industry Exhibition
  • online media campaign in 6 countries
  • facebook campaign targeting engineers in Hungary and in the surrounding countries

Participants sought to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the online platform, companies “arranged” their booths using almost every function.

Exhibitors uploaded 96 special or unique offers in total and offered 80 live chat time for the visitors so that companies’ experts can give immediate answers to their questions.

3 000 professional visitors registrated for the exhibition. During the entire opening hours, nearly 2 400 stand visits took place, half of which on the opening day. he most popular exhibitor could meet up to 170 new potential business partners.

Programs – in virtual form

The event was enriched by 2 roundtable discussions, a multi-presentation conference and a presentation. Topics were varied, because the programs covered industrial sectors from the special purpose machine construction, through sustainable development on energy or labour safety for the future generations to the 5G technology.

In addition to the re-viewable programs, experts from the exhibiting companies were available to instantly answer questions from interested professionals in many industries through chat, video chat or e-mail.

We thank our exhibitors and visitors for participating the virtual INDUSTRY DAYS trade exhibition!

Let’s meet in person next year, between 10-13 May 2022 at INDUSTRY DAYS and MACH-TECH trade exhibitions!