ISWA HAEE conference programme – 3 October

Subjected to registration and participation fee.


The transition to a circular economy presents opportunities and challenges for waste management. The experience gained, and technologies developed in the European industry can help the transition to sound waste management in many parts of the world.
The conference will focus on how prevention, reuse and recovery can be implemented in practice and on presenting good practices. As the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan define our ambitious targets and drive us towards a carbon-neutral continent, in our backyards, illegal dumpsites and polluted rivers highlight our urgent tasks and obligations.
ISWA is an international network of waste management professionals and experts worldwide with the mission “To promote and develop sustainable and professional waste management and to facilitate the transition to a circular economy”. With their help, we will get a big picture of the global trends and status quo to deep-dive into regional challenges and upcoming tasks later.
From 27 September, registration for the conference does not automatically give you access to the conference, please register your free professional pass here for smooth entry!
Participation fee:
ISWA, HAEE member, ENVIRONTEC exhibitor:
(125 EUR+ 27% VAT)
Non member, non exhibitor:
(170 EUR + 27% VAT)
Official programme
Moderator: dr. Krisztina Wégner, international waste management expert

Presidential welcome speech on behalf of the International Solid Waste Association – Guest of Honor Mr. James Law, President of ISWA

Greetings by the Hungarian Ministry of Energy (15’) – Anikó Raisz, State Secretary for the Environment and the Circular Economy

Guest of Honor and Keynote Speaker Mr. Arne Ragossnig, Vice-President of ISWA
Global trends and the ISWA vision – key messages from ISWA World Congress (20’) – Mr. Arne Ragossnig, Vice-President of ISWA

Developing a circular economy strategy – The key findings of the Slovak, Hungarian, and Czech studies (25’) – Katarina Svatikova, Policy Analyst Circular Economy at OECD

Circularity and funding in the Accession countries (25’) – Steffen Hudolin, Head of Cooperation in the EU Delegation to North Macedonia

11.40 Question & answer
11.55 coffee break
Overview of the Southeast European countries and how an international organisation can boost circular economy (20’) – Goran Vujic, Professor, Chair of Environmental Engineering, University of Novi Sad
Former Regional Chapter Representative for ISWA Southeast Europe

How can we meet plastic recycling targets and tackle the challenges? (20’) Bernard Merkx, CEO/owner, GreenWavePlastics; Honorary President, Plastic Recyclers Europe; Director General, European Plastic Converters; Co-founder, WasteFreeOceans

The role of digitalisation for circular economy (20’) – dr. Felix Badura, Managing Director, Digi-Cycle GmbH

Milestones of the DRS system in Hungary (15’) – Szilvia Szabó, Head of Producer Responsibility Systems, MOHU

13.35 Question & answer
13.45 Lunch break
LIVE DEMO of the Mobile Return Machine

The new mobile return machine supports small shops, hotels, restaurants, and catering units as a manual return point to collect deposit-charged packages. Developer: Returmatic Solutions PLC.
The demonstration will be held at the main entrance of the congress hall.
Key issues of waste management in the West Balkans (20’) – Mihail Mateski, Co-Founder & President, MaSWA – Macedonian Solid Waste Association

Polluter pays principle – how to calculate the actual costs of Waste management and who pays the bill (20’) Aleksandra Vučinić Anić, CROWMA – Croatian Waste Management Association

Waste management in challenging times (20’) – Ruslan Shvarts, managing director, LLC Zakarpatekovtorsyrovyna

15.30 Closing remarks
Visiting the expo, networking
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