CONSTRUMA will be held in October!

The management of HUNGEXPO Ltd. – due to the increased spread of the corona virus, and its long term effects – decided to postpone CONSTRUMA and HOMEDesign exhibitions to autumn.
New date: 7-11 October, 2020.
We are confident that we will be able to arrange it safely during this period, with the usual preparation and quality conditions. The exhibitions can also contribute to a more dynamic re-launch of the economy, including the construction industry, and we do our best to facilitate this.
Due to the further postponement the contracts of our exhibitors will be automatically valid for the new October date, and any deposit already invoiced and / or paid will be transferred to the new date as well.
The registrations of visitors or prepaid tickets will valid for the new date automatically as well.
We are still waiting for you at our exhibitions!
Budapest, 6th April, 2020