Program offer

ESG Roundtable – Challenges and opportunities for SMEs from the perspective of financial institutions and large companies

The discussion will be held in Hungarian.


There are major changes in the field of corporate environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance (ESG). Currently, the scope of the regulations mainly concerns large listed companies and financial institutions, but they also have an indirect impact on the SME sector. For the SME sector, ESG regulation represents both a challenge and an opportunity. The changes will inevitably force them to review their processes in order to stay in the supply chain. This roundtable discussion will help to set out this perspective, outlining the expectations of banks and large companies, and the steps and practicalities needed to meet these expectations.

RE:BROWN – Remediation and brownfield investments Conference 2024

English-Hungarian interpretation will be provided at the conference.


One of the priority topics of the Hungarian EU Presidency in the second half of 2024 is the development of EU regulatory frameworks for soil contamination and measures to prevent and eliminate pollution. The conference provides an opportunity to discuss domestic and EU remediation issues, current problems, goals-plans, legislative and implementation tasks, share good practices and techniques, and present the use of abandoned industrial/commercial/military/transport facility areas for new functions.

FUTURE FORWARD: Circular economy and Waste Management

Trends in CEE and SEE region

The official language of the conference is English, English-Hungarian interpretation will be provided.


As a co-organiser of the ENVIRONTEC powered by ÖKOINDUSTRIA environmental industry exhibition, the HAEE is organising a series of professional conferences in the framework of the exhibition. One of the key elements is the conference „Future forward: Circular Economy and Waste Management Trends in CEE region and Southeast Europe– Pathways to Prevention, Reuse, and Recovery”, scheduled for 3 October, with the partnership of ISWA. The conference is organised during the EU-presidency of Hungary.

What awaits us? Climate change, climate, air quality?

The discussion will be held in Hungarian.

International Business Meeting

onsite day

International Business Meeting

online day

What can the water utilities sector do to operate in an ENERGY SAVING way?

The discussion will be held in Hungarian.

What can the water utility sector do to ensure SUSTAINABLE operations – round table discussion

The discussion will be held in Hungarian.

Green Balkan Forum

DALIA Danube Lighthouse Open Call project development workshop

The official language of the conference is English.


The event aims to present this call for proposals and interactively generate projects based on the Plastic Cup’s best practices and hopefully facilitate the submission of multiple proposals.